mysame app iconmySAME is the mobile app created especially for YOU and your SAME tractor.

mySAME lets you keep in contact with us and receive important information for you and your tractor.

The app's different sections let you access a number of features and content, such as:

  • promotions for products, spare parts and accessories offered by your dealer
  • service plans
  • machine pool management functions
  • information, news and so much more

Take advantage of the functions of the mySAME app, wherever and whenever you need.




Find out about all the promotions offered by your dealer, with specially discounted prices on selected products.


Register the VIN number of your tractor to be notified of all the maintenance procedures necessary to service your tractor correctly and keep it in peak condition at all times.


Keep up to date with all the information, news and events concerning the SAME world and your dealer.

An easy, quick and simple new way to interact with us:

mySAME keeps you in touch, offering a new opportunity to build a closer relationship with your dealer and take full advantage of the services available for you.

Discover all the services on offer with mySAME.


Request the closure of your mySAME account and the deletion of your personal information.

You can send us a request to close your user account for our mySAME apps and to delete your personal information. Follow these steps to send a request to close your account and delete your personal information.

Send an e-mail with the following information:

  1. Write the e-mail address associated with your account

  2. Write the reason for deleting your account: [ 1) I already have another user account with this app; 2) The app is no longer of interest to me and I no longer use it; 3) I registered but never used this app; 4) None of the reasons listed ]

  3. Write “I want to close my account permanently and delete my data”

  4. Send the e-mail

  5. You will receive an account closure request email at the email address provided. Open the email received and select Reply and confirm your wish to close your account by writing “I confirm the closure of my account and the deletion of my personal information”. Then send the email.


- If you have several mySAME accounts, follow these steps for each account you wish to close.

- Once your account is closed, all products and services you access via your account on the mySAME app will no longer be available. Therefore, you will no longer have access to the services and products offered by these applications.

- Once closed, your mySAME account will no longer be accessible to you and cannot be restored.

- If you later decide you want to use our mySAME app and its functions again, you will need to create a new account.

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